key benefits

  • Same day estimates - normally within 2 hours
  • 24 hour service available
  • Knowledgeable experts to answer all your questions
  • Fixed pricing to avoid any "surprise charges". 
  • Professional project planning/coordination
  • Monthly, bi-annual or annual service contracts available. 
  • Easy credit card payment available. 

​truncated pads 

expert services

Call for FREE Quote: (909) 678-3312

​ADA upgrades 



What type of paint is used and will it last?
Traffic Marking, 100% acrylic, lead-free high grade premium waterborne traffic and line marking paint specially manufactured and formulated for optimal adhesion and durability. Extremely durable, weather resistance and has excellent resistance to dirt pick up. Designed to meet Caltrans PTWB-01R2. 

How soon can we open the lot after sealcoating/striping?
Generally the parking lot can be reopened for regular traffic after striping within 1 hour of completion or sooner based on weather conditions. The parking area may be reopened 12-24 hours after sealcoating depending on weather conditions. We take every precaution and make every effort to NEVER apply any coatings during or immediately prior to poor weather conditions.

Do you know about ADA codes?
Our technicians, before hire, are subjected to a rigorous training program designed to ensure that they educated in ADA code and understand the importance of compliance and the consequences of non-compliance. Are technicians are fully competent with regards to the ADA code pertaining to your parking lot needs.